Internet Browser

Internet browsers ( Google Chrome , Firefox , Safari , Internet Explorer , Microsoft Edge , Opera , Vivaldi , just to name a few) are used to "browse" the Internet (aka WWW or World Wide Web). You used the "" Web/Internet Browser to get to this page.

You use browsers to "browse" the Internet using sites such as Google, DuckDuckGo, YouTube, Facebook, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, etc. Without the browser, there would be no Internet as we know it.

Chrome Firefox Safari Edge IE
iOSiPhone/iPad X X
AndroidAndroid X X X
LinuxLinux X X X
LinuxSync. X
  • Chrome is currently considered the safest and most compatible. You trade security and compatibility for privacy.
  • Firefox is the best alternative and has a focus on privacy.
  • Internet Explorer is obsolete. While still supported, it is no longer developed and should not be used. There is still the odd web site and game that requires Internet Explorer. Create an icon on the desktop pointing to IE with the link to the site.